250 million years: Ancient and from the primordial sea
Salt is essentially a simple compound made up of two elements: sodium and chlorine, which combine to form sodium chloride. Both elements are among the most common substances found in nature.
Salt is water-soluble, with its main component being dissolved in the world's oceans: oceans are the largest salt reservoirs on Earth. If the oceans were to completely dry up, the entire ocean floor (which covers 70 percent of the Earth's surface!) would be covered with a crust of dried substances, almost 50 meters of which would consist of salt.
Over 90% of all salt deposits originate from the sea – even if they are now far inland. The distribution of land and water has changed repeatedly, as has the climate and the location of continents. Therefore, there were times when Central Europe was a tropical sea – and we owe Austrian salt to this primordial sea. Thus, our salt is approximately 250 million years old and originates from the Triassic/Permian period.