Effizient & zuverlässig gegen Eis und Schnee
DEFROST de-icing salt from Austria

The benefits of DEFROST de-icing salt

Roads & paths that are safe for winter

Upper limits for particle sizes and uniform particle size distribution guarantee roads and paths that are safe for winter.

Rapid thawing effect

The high NaCl content of at least 99.7% makes DEFROST de-icing salt incredibly effective and economical to apply.

Strong economy – strong region

DEFROST de-icing salt comes from Austria, where it is mined and processed with great care.

Dissolves without residue

DEFROST de-icing salt is an ultra-pure salt product and has no insoluble residues, making it ideal for brine preparation

Compliant with concrete standards

The low sulphate content in DEFROST de-icing salt complies with investment protection according to ÖNORM B4710.

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How does DEFROST de-icing salt work?

Salt has a similar effect to that of antifreeze, since the use of DEFROST de-icing salt puts the freezing point of water below the ambient i.e. surface temperature.

DEFROST de-icing salt is ideally suited to brine preparation

Compared to other thawing agents, de-icing salt offers numerous advantages: It is considerably more efficient and environmentally friendly than solid spreading material. In the best-case scenario, the use of salt can be reduced by 75%. Furthermore, it also allows for targeted and comprehensive application.

Disadvantages of rock salt as thawing salt

On average, rock salt is 20% cheaper to acquire than evaporated salt. However, this lower price is considerably outweighed by the significant disadvantages for people, the environment, the road, winter maintenance equipment and the resulting subsequent costs.

Why should the spreading of DEFROST de-icing salt be started before precipitation occurs?

The preventive application of DEFROST de-icing salt on traffic surfaces prevents the freezing of moisture (hoar frost, sleet, snow, etc.) on the subsoil. This largely prevents potential slippery surfaces. In addition, the preventive use of DEFROST de-icing salt leads to a considerable facilitation of clearing in general or to the targeted prevention of slippery snow, ice and frost.

Where is DEFROST de-icing salt mainly used?

DEFROST de-icing salt is mainly used on roads with high traffic volumes. However, DEFROST de-icing salt is also popular in the private sector: In accordance with the Road Maintenance Liability Act §1319a AGB, anyone can easily remove snow and ice from all types of traffic areas and thus protect themselves preventatively.

What are the advantages of buying DEFROST de-icing salt?
  • DEFROST de-icing salt is a pure product and therefore contains no insoluble residues.
  • DEFROST de-icing salt dissolves very well and quickly.
  • DEFROST de-icing salt can be used without leaving residues and prevents the formation of fine dust.
  • DEFROST de-icing salt is very fine-grained and therefore has a rapid de-icing effect, which saves working time.
  • DEFROST de-icing salt can be used without leaving residues and prevents the formation of fine dust.
  • DEFROST de-icing salt is gentle on animal paws due to its minimal sulphate value, i.e. less than 600 mg/kg (0.06%), and causes minimal damage to strewn surfaces.
  • DEFROST de-icing salt is ideal for brine mixing due to its extremely high degree of purity.
  • DEFROST de-icing salt guarantees a consistent spreading pattern due to its consistently high quality and fine grain size.
In what form can DEFROST de-icing salt be purchased?
  • 5 kg bag
  • 10 kg bag
  • 10 kg bucket including shovel
  • 25 kg bag
  • BigBag
  • loose road salt
How does the thawing process work?

Thawing salt requires water; because the thawing salt only lowers the freezing point of the water.

As is known, pure water freezes at approx. 0 °C, a saturated salt solution only at approx. -21 °C.

The more salt is dissolved in the water, the lower the freezing point of this brine.

So if you sprinkle salt on the ice, it must first dissolve in the water film. The de-icing salt thus lowers the freezing point of the water film and prevents it from freezing again.

This salt solution (brine) continues to thaw the ice until the freezing point of the brine has adapted to the temperature of the ice or it has completely watered down.

The salt solution (brine) is also used as a preventive measure! Mostly in the form of a 20 per cent brine solution.

DEFROST de-icing salt Packaging units

DEFROST de-icing salt 5 kg
DEFROST de-icing salt 5 kg

DEFROST 10 kg de-icing salt in bags and buckets
DEFROST 10 kg de-icing salt in bags and buckets

DEFROST de-icing salt 25 kg
DEFROST de-icing salt 25 kg

DEFROST de-icing salt BigBag 1000 kg
DEFROST de-icing salt BigBag 1000 kg

De-icing salt loose by silo truck and by rail
DEFROST De-icing salt loose by silo truck and by rail

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